Recording Studio

Our hall offers an excellent acoustic and a choice of high quality pianos and harpsichords.
2 Neumann KM 184
2 Oktava MK 012
SSL 12
MacBook Pro
Canon camera

André Höche, pianist, composer and studied sound engineer is available on request for your productions. 
Daily fee: € 400 plus 19% VAT
Sound engineer and tuning service will be charged based on effort. A separate room for relaxing, and our kitchen will make you feel comfortable.


In recent years we have realized several productions at Klinkenberg Pianoforte. Clean and neutral acoustics, friendliness in collaboration and excellent in-house instruments, whether modern or historical, contributed to producing the recordings at the highest level. Evgeny Orkin (Dorado Ensemble) OML – Orkin Music Laboratory 

The Klinkenberg Pianoforte recording studio has strong strings. At the weekend there is peace around the house. The larger of the two rooms is high enough and, despite its hall layout, is free of strong reverberation. It is “furnished” with around 40-50 pianos and grand pianos, which ensure medium acoustics and a pleasant sense of space. A pianist like me feels surrounded by friends of all ages and backgrounds: some of them fully playable again, others on the way to it. In no museum or sales room have I been able to experience, as easily and freely as I did in this workshop, how many different voices there are among all the pianos and grand pianos. In this way you experience “your music” in a wide variety of contexts and playfully acquire your own flexibility. The “setting” is complemented by a second room on the upper floor, which could be very attractive for chamber music and is equipped with more instruments. My own testimonials to these experiences are audibly stored on my channel: “Warda Improvisations” on YouTube. 
Martin Seith-Böhm, pianist and composer

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